Evolving the conversation with the community.
Don't be a Tosser! was developed based on research that showed the campaign needed to continue to evolve the conversation with the community. It builds on the earlier Hey Tosser! approach, shifting the conversation to an internal dialogue.
No longer is the focus on the witness of the littering behaviour to drive behaviour change, as was the case with the previous campaign. Instead, Don't be a Tosser! promotes greater self-realisation. It places the responsibility for littering on the individual and encourages us to think about our own actions.
The concept is playful, and eye-catching, and the reintroduction of the Don't be a Tosser! message encourages positive action. It gives us all a choice to NOT be a 'Tosser'.
The creative uses a variety of 'excuses' that have been focus group tested, and reflect what litterers use to justify tossing. These excuses were the most effective as they provided the best balance in making us feel guilty for tossing and forcing us to realise how silly our excuses to justify tossing are. That emotional response reinforces the message in our minds to do the right thing and put our rubbish in the bin.
Don't be a Tosser! talks to all of us in NSW – across different ages, genders, cultures, jobs, and regions – because studies show that anyone can be a tosser and that there's no 'typical' tosser. To get the message out there, the campaign uses the top 5 languages spoken in NSW (English, Arabic, Vietnamese, Mandarin and Cantonese). Materials have also been developed for our Aboriginal communities by our Aboriginal communities.