The Report a Tosser! program empowers many passionate members of the community that want to protect the environment. Report a Tosser allows the community to take the power in their hands to report littering from a vehicle through Report to EPA.
Report a Tosser launched in 2015 and there are over 77,000 registered reporters (that’s over 3 x the size of the NSW Police Force!) and the Tosser Army is growing each day! Since the launch of the program we have received over 102,000 reports and issued over 55,000 fines from your community reports. By reporting litter, you play a critical and vital role to keep NSW a safe, and healthy environment for all of us to enjoy.
Report a Tosser! sends a strong message to litterers:
- that their behaviour will not be tolerated
- makes litterers aware that anyone from the community can be a reporter
- increases the perception that tossers can be seen and fined for littering from a vehicle
If you see a tosser littering from a vehicle, you can report them to the NSW Environment Protection Authority through Report to EPA. Fines from $500 for an individual and $1,000 for a corporation can be issued from your report.
Make a report online
Report a Tosser! with Report to EPA
To report a tosser littering from a vehicle you need to:
- have seen the litter being thrown, or blown, from the vehicle
- provide the vehicle registration details and the location where the littering took place
- report the incident within 14 days
- submit your report online through Report to EPA
Make a report online

You will need to register before you can submit your first report. You will need to have your mobile phone with you as you will receive an SMS verification to verify your registration details. If you don't have a mobile phone, you will need to provide a certified copy of your photo identification.
Registration is required to ensure your contact details are correct. A fine may be issued based on your report, however, if the offender chooses to have the matter dealt with in court, we will need to contact you, and you may be required to attend court as a witness.
Once a report is made there are several steps taken to verify the report before any fine is issued. The vehicle information provided in the report is authenticated against Transport for NSW (TfNSW) records and the EPA reviews at least 18 other mandatory categories of information in the report. If all the mandatory information requirements are complete, consistent and plausible, then a fine will be issued to the owner of the vehicle.
Please refer to the FAQ about Report a Tosser for further information.
Make a report online
- Your health and safety are more important than reporting littering from a vehicle. Never use your mobile phone while driving, pull over or ask a passenger to record the details. If recording the details affects your concentration or driving, wait until next time to report littering from a vehicle. If the occupants of a vehicle are littering, it is only a matter of time before they are observed again and reported.
- If it is safe to do so, take a photo of the car, location and litter item. Never use your mobile phone while you are in control of a vehicle, this includes while you are stationary at traffic lights or in a car park.
- Make as many notes as possible about your observation, even if you don’t include them in your report.
- The time you observed the littering
- Where you were going at the time
- Where you were in relation to the offender’s vehicle, for example, in your car behind the vehicle
- Who was with you and if they also saw the littering
- The weather conditions at the time
- How you recorded the littering, for example in a notebook, voice recording etc
Keep your notes, photographs, videos and any other evidence for one year in case the penalty notice is disputed, and you are required to attend court as a witness.
- Submit your report to the EPA as soon as possible, and within 14 days of your observation.
Make a report online